Step into the present moment with Beverly Akhurst's transformative yoga class happening every Thursday from 12-1pm .
Grounded in mindfulness and deep breathwork, each session unfolds as a unique journey. From hip and throat-opening practices, this class will foster deeper connection with your body and mind. Be ready for a fresh experience every time you join us on the mat.
This a free event open to the public, space is limited and guest must register prior to arrival.
Beverly Akhurst worked in the Mental Health Field and Education followed later by tech and travel. It was in her 40’s that she found first her purpose as a Yoga teacher which has then expanded into her services as a Wellbeing Coach and Facilitator. A cardiac unit started the journey and now as the owner of Ocean Breath Yoga she guides a program she calls Ritam of Life. A student of anatomy and Bhakti Yoga, she is considered a Master Teacher and is trained in TRE and Certified in CranioSacral Therapy. Specializing in posture, movement and breath she is also a bestselling author, speaker/storyteller & writer.
Living in Vancouver, she adds in guesting on podcasts and forest bathing whenever she can….Her reason for being?
”it is time we all became the experts of our own lives, body, mind and being.”